The first night of the second coming in a guesthouse in Bangkok.
1542 (+) Queen of Scots Mary is born in Linlithgow Palace, Scotland, United Kingdom.
1892 (-) Emeline Cigrand is murdered by Herman Webster Mudgett aka The Torture Doctor, in Chicago, Holmes Castle, Illinois, USA.
1912 (x) Explorer Ludwig Borchart discovers the buste of Queen Nefertete in Achet-Aton, Egypt.
1928 (+) Linguist and philosopher Auram Noam Chomsky is born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
1941 (x) The Japanese Air-Force attacks Pearl Harbour.
1946 (x) 119 Die in Wine Coff Hotel fire in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
1960 (x) 21-year-old Serial Killer Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter, burns down a bus-barn with three school-buses in Iowa, USA.
1967 (x) 38-year-old Serial Killer Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate, is sentenced to 5 years for car theft in Kansas City, Kansas, USA.
1973 (+) Mass Murderer Charles Carl Roberts aka The Amish School Shooter, is born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA.
1976 (x) Serial Killer Frans H. is convicted to 13 years imprisonment although he is suspected of killing over 100 elderly patients in the Luckerheide Clinic in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
1982 (-) Murderer Charles Jr Brooks is executed by lethal injection at the age of 40 in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
He is the first man to be executed by a mixture of Sodium Thipental aka Thruth Drug, Pancuronum Bromide and Potassium Chloride.
1983 (-) Richard Wayne is found beaten and stabbed to death by Larry Eyler aka The Leather-Boy Killer, at the age of 21 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Another unidentified male is found at the same location.
1983 (x) 93 Die in Iberia Airlines Boeing 727 and Avaiaco DC-9 collision in Madrid, Barajas International Airport, Spain.
1984 (-) Serial Killer Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate, commits suicide by hanging at the age of 55 in Jefferson, State Penitentiary, Unit 5C, Cell 213, Missouri, USA.
He hung himself with a piece of electric wire.
1987 (x) 43 Die in Pacific Southwest Flight 1771 British Aerospace 146 crash after 35-year-old Mass Murderer David Burke fired several shots in the cockpit in Paso Robles, California, USA.
Burke had recently been fired by Pacific Southwest.
1989 (-) Murderer Carlos Deluna is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville, Texas, USA.
1993 (x) 35-year-old Mass Murderer Colin Ferguson fires a Ruger handgun, round after round, in a commuter train riding from Manhattan to Long Island in New York, New York, USA.
He killed 6 and injured over 20.
1995 (-) Murderer Hai Hai Vuong is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
1998 (-) Serial Killer Daniel Corwin is executed by lethal injection at the age of 40 in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
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