Audio junkies repairing cassetteplayers, televisions, videorecorders and all kinds of electronic equipment in makeshift stalls on Thanon Damrong in Bangkok.
795 (-) 95th Pope Hadrianus I dies in Rome, Italy.
1863 (+) Film pioneer Charles Pathé is born in Paris, France.
1871 (+) Composer Alexander Skrjabin is born in Moscow, Russia.
1882 (+) Make-up queen Helena Rubinstein is born in Krakow, Poland.
1885 (+) Actor John Bowers originally John E Bowersox, is born in Garrett, Indiana, USA.
1887 (+) Hotel-magnate Conrad Hilton is born in Socorro County, New Mexico, USA.
1891 (-) Julia Connor is murdered by Herman Webster Mudgett aka The Torture Doctor, in Chicago, Holmes Castle, Illinois, USA.
1899 (+) Actor Humphrey Bogart is born in New York City, New York, USA.
1908 (+) Raconteur Quentin Crisp originally Denis Charles Pratt, is born in Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom.
1914 (+) Murderer Grady Cole is born in Arizona, USA.
1918 (+) President Anwar Sadat is born in Mit Abu al-Kum, Egypt.
1924 (+) Twilight Zone host Rod Serling is born in Syracuse, New York, USA.
1946 (-) Filmmaker W.C. Fields originally William Claude Dukenfield, dies of a stomach-bleeding at the age of 66 in Pasadena, California, USA.
1949 (+) Actress Sissy Spacek is born in Quitman, Texas, USA.
1952 (x) 47-year-old Winnie Ruth Judd aka The Trunk Murderess, escapes from the State Hospital in Arizona, USA.
It’s her sixth attempt to escape, she is recaptured 46 hours later.
1959 (-) Irmgard Feder is attacked and mutilated by Manfred Wittiman aka The Beast of Oberfranken, at the age of 19 in Freberg, Germany.
She survived.
1961 (+) Son of Joseph Kallinger, aka The Shoemaker, Mike Kallinger is born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
1971 (x) 163 Die in Taejongak Hotel fire in Seoul, Korea.
1977 (-) Actor and filmmaker Charles Chaplin dies at the age of 88 in Vaud, Switzerland.
1982 (-) John R. Johnson is beaten and stabbed to death by Larry Eyler aka The Leather-Boy Killer, at the age of 25 in Belshaw, Indiana, USA.
1983 (+) Son of Tex Watson of the Manson Family and Joan Svege, Benjamin Charles Watson is born in Texas, USA.
1983 (-) Artist Juan Mirò dies of heart-insufficiency at the age of 90 in Palma, Mallorca, Spain.
1989 (-) Nationalist leader Nicolae Ceaucescu aka The Genius of the Carpathians, is executed by the Firing Squad at the age of 71 in Romania.
He and his 70-year-old wife Elena had been sentenced to death by a People’s Court.
1995 (-) Actor Dean Martin originally Dino Crocetti aka The King of Cool, dies of lung cancer at the age of 78 in Beverly Hills, California, USA.
1998 (x) 53-year-old Serial Killer Dennis Nilsen aka Killing For Company, is found drunk in his prison cell in Cambridgeshire, Whitemoor Prison, United Kingdom.
It is thought he had been bingeing on homemade moonshine.
2006 (-) Musician James Brown aka The Godfather of Soul, dies of pneumonia at the age of 73 in Emory Crawford Long Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
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