The artist crew from the "underground" multi-media event underneath the Central Railway Station of Antwerpen. Dylan, Rudi Trouvé, Jelle Jespers, Michiel Thijs, AMVK & DDV. The event consisted of five large computer animated projections on the walls of the tunnel through which high speed international trains will go in the future. The event lasted for two days, and there was a live band and drum'n'bass dj's playing continuously all day long. About 75.000 people climbed down to stroll through the tunnel.
1882 (-) Assassin Charles Guiteau aka The Man Who Shot President Garfield, is executed by hanging at the age of 40 in Washington, District Columbia, USA.
1900 (x) Over 300 Die in pier fire in Hoboken, New York, USA.
1930 (-) Murderer Frank Tauza is executed by Old Sparky in Pennsylvania, USA.
1936 (-) Murderer Frederick Field is executed by hanging at the age of 33 in London, United Kingdom.
1956 (x) 128 Die in TWA and United airliner collision in Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA.
1962 (-) Helen Blake is strangled and sexually assaulted by Albert DeSalvo aka The Boston Strangler, at the age of 65 in Lynn, 73 Newhall Street, Massachussets, USA.
1962 (-) Nina Nichols is strangled and sexually assaulted by Albert DeSalvo aka The Boston Strangler, at the age of 65 in Lynn, 1940 Commonwealth Avenue, Massachussets, USA.
1969 (-) Roxie Phillips is beaten and strangled by Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer, at the age of 17 in Salinas, California, USA.
1971 (x) 43-year-old Georgi Dobrovolski, 38-year-old Viktor Patsajef and 37-year-old Vladislav Volokov are found dead upon returning in their Sojoez 2 after breaking the record of staying 23 days in Space.
1974 (-) Mother of Martin Luther Alberta King is shot dead whilst playing the organ by Marcus Chenault at the age of 69 in Atlanta, Ebenezer Baptist Church, USA.
1991 (-) Matt Turner aka Donald Montrell, is drugged, strangled and dismembered by Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal, at the age of 20 in Milwaukee, 924 25th North Street, Oxford Apartments, Room 213, Wisconsin, USA.
1997 (x) Mass Murderer Josh Jenkins aka The Teenage Annihilator, is sentenced to 112 years to life for killing his adoptive parents, grandparents and sister during a weekend visit to the grandparent's condominium in San Diego, California, USA.
He said he killed his family in revenge for his parents sending him to boarding school.
2004 (-) Murderer David Harris is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.