The kitchen array after the opening event of the new spaces of the NICC in Museumstraat, Antwerpen.
1799 (+) Poet Alexander Pushkin is born in Moscow, Russia.
1863 (-) Ship’s captain George Harper commits suicide by drowning at the age of 44 in The Regent's Canal, Cork, Ireland.
Upon his body a photograph and a letter were found, the photograph was of a young lady, the letter read "Through what I have been accused of I have been driven to commit this dreadful act. Adieu from me in this world".
1875 (+) Writer Thomas Mann is born in Lübeck, Schlewig-Holstein, Germany.
1891 (+) Actor Tyler Brooke is born in New York, New York, USA.
1901 (+) First President of Indonesia Ahmad Soekarno is born in Blitar, East Java, Indonesia.
1917 (+) Serial Killer Neville Heath aka The Sadistic Romeo, is born in Ilford, Essex, United Kingdom.
1931 (+) Mass-murderer Richard Hickock aka In Cold Blood, is born in Kansas City, Montana, USA.
1934 (+) King of Belgium Albert II is born in Brussels, Brabant, Belgium.
1948 (-) Film pioneer Louis Lumière dies at the age of 84 in Bandol, France.
1961 (-) Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung dies at the age of 85 in Küssnacht, Switzerland.
1962 (-) Artist Yves Klein dies at the age of 36 in Paris, France.
1962 (-) Writer William Faulkner dies at the age of 64 in Oxford, Missouri, USA.
1967 (x) Mass murderer Richard Speck aka Born To Raise Hell, has his death-sentence commuted to 400 years imprisonment in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
1968 (-) Politician Robert Kennedy dies of of brain damage due to bullets fired by 24-year-old Sirhan Bashira Sirhan the day before at the age of 43 in Los Angeles, Ambassador Hotel, California, USA.
1972 (x) 427 Die in coal-mine explosion in Rhodesia.
1981 (x) Over 2000 Die in passenger train derailment in Bihar, India.
It crashed off a viaduct.
1981 (-) Carmela De Nuccio is shot dead by Pietro Pacciani aka Il Mostre, at the age of 21 in Florence, Scandicci, Italy.
Carmela’s pubis was removed on the spot.
1983 (-) Ruth Gruenert is attacked and raped by Thomas Rath aka The Devil’s Moor Murderer, at the age of 17 in Bremen, Germany.
1985 (-) Serial Killer Leonard Lake aka The Eye of Evil, commits suicide by cyanide-poisoning at the age of 39 in San Francisco, California, USA.
He was arrested for shoplifting, when the police searched his house in Wilseyville, they found pictures and videotapes depicting a career of violence, pornography and murder. His accomplice Charles Chitat Ng escaped to Canada.
1988 (x) An Airbus 320 fails to miss a tree and crashes into a wood during an air-show in Mulhouse, France.
1994 (x) 160 Die in China Northwest Airlines Tupolev-154 crash in Xian, China.
1997 (-) Murderer Henry Hays is executed by Old Sparky at the age of 42 in Alabama, USA.
He’s the first white man to be executed for killing a black man in Alabama.
2006 (-) Murderer Timothy Titsworth is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
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