Dez Mona playing at the Kaaiman in Antwerpen.
1855 (-) Murderer John Schultz is executed by hanging at the age of 44 in Texas, USA.
1900 (+) Writer and pilot Marie Antoine De Saint-Exupéry is born in Lyon, France.
1924 (x) 44-year-old Serial Killer Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf, confesses to a long career of murder, butchering and selling his victims’ meat in Hannover, Germany.
1934 (-) Porter Zaro Agha dies of uremia at the age of 164 in Istanbul, Turkey.
1940 (-) Artist Paul Klee dies of sleroderma at the age of 60 in Muralto, Switzerland.
1959 (x) 21-year-old Mass Murderer Robin Cook is arrested after trying to obtain a car by fraud in Alberta, Stettler, Canada.
When searching his house, police found the bodies of Ray Cook Senior, his second wife Daisy Mae and their children Gerald, Patrick, Christopher, Kathy and Linda in the garage.
1967 (-) Actress Jayne Mansfield originally Vera Jane Palmer, is decapitated in a car crash at the age of 34 in Biloxi, Mississippi, USA.
The 1966 Buick Electra 225, which was reportedly going 80 miles per hour, crashed into the rear of a tractor-trailer that had slowed down because of a truck spraying mosquito fogger.
1969 (-) President of Katanga Moise Tshombe dies of heart failure at the age of 49 in Algeria.
1973 (x) The members of the Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe Rote Armee Fraktion, end their second hungerstrike in several prisons in Germany.
1975 (-) Musician Tim Buckley dies of a heroin and alcohol overdose at the age of 28 in Santa Monica, California, USA.
1993 (-) Multiple Murderer Markham Duff-Smith is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
1994 (-) Serial Killer Jack Unterweger aka The Prison Poet, commits suicide by hanging in his prison cell at the age of 44 in Graz, Austria.
He was convicted to life-imprisonment for the murders of 9 prostitutes earlier this day.
1995 (x) 53-year-old Theodore Kaczinski aka The UnaBomber, mails a letter to Social psychology professor Tom Tyler at University of California in San Francisco, California, USA.
2000 (-) Multiple Murderer Jessy San Miguel is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
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