Preparing my permanent installation for the police station at Handelsstraat, Antwerpen.
1843 (+) Composer Edvard Grieg is born in Bergen, Norway.
1904 (x) Over 1000 Die in General Slocum steamer fire in Bergen, Norway.
1906 (+) Victim of Fritz Haarmann, Der Hannover Werwolf, Ernst Spiecker is born in Hannover, Germany.
1914 (+) Soviet leader Yuri Andropov is born in Stavropol, Russia.
1923 (-) Prime Minister Alexander Stamboelski is murdered by the army in Slavovitsa, Bulgaria.
1929 (+) Filmmaker Herschell Lewis aka The Godfather of Gore, is born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
1938 (-) Artist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner commits suicide by distress after the destruction of approximately 600 of his works by the Nazis because of 'degeneration' at the age of 58 in Davos, Switzerland.
1943 (+) Musician Johnny Halliday originally Jean-Philippe Smet, is born in Paris, Cité Malesherbes, France.
1966 (-) Maria G. is attacked by Zdzislaw Marchwicki aka The Wampir, at the age of 55 in Zagorze, Poland.
She survived.
1967 (-) Zofia K. is strangled by Zdzislaw Marchwicki aka The Wampir, at the age of 40 in Grodziec, Poland.
1970 (-) Unidentified woman is assaulted by Gustaaf Van Eyken aka De Vampier van Muizen, at the age of 22 in Soest, Jakob Notenwal, Germany.
1972 (x) 37-year-old Terrorist Ulrike Meinhof is arrested in Hannover, Germany.
To make sure they have captured the feared terrorist they make an X-ray of her head, revealing a metal clip that was left behind during a brain-operation 10 years earlier.
1973 (-) Raymond Blackburn is killed by Dean Corll aka The Candyman, at the age of 20 in Houston, Pasadena, Texas, USA.
1974 (-) Unidentified boy is abducted and sexually assaulted by Daniël Baron aka The Triangle of Death Killer, at the age of 15 in Limoges, France.
1975 (x) 28-year-old Manson Family-member Tex Watson is born again and baptized by a student chaplain in a large plastic laundry cart outside the prison chapel in Folsom Prison, California, USA.
1983 (-) 2 unidentified girls are abducted and sexually assaulted by Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer, in Boynton City, Beach Park, Florida, USA.
1994 (-) Murderer David Lawson is executed by the Gas Chamber at the age of 39 in North Carolina, USA.
1996 (-) Musician Ella Fitzgerald aka The First Lady of Song, dies of diabetes at the age of 79 in Los Angeles, California, USA.
1998 (-) Murderer Johnny Pyles is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
2000 (-) Murderer Paul Nuncio is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
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