Sunday, June 17, 2007

17 june 2001 - Antwerpen, Belgium

Continuing work on my installation for the police station of Handelsstraat in Antwerpen.

1882 (+) Composer Igor Strawinsky is born in Oraniënbaum, Lomonosov, Russia.
1898 (+) Artist Maurits Cornelius Escher is born in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.
1900 (+) Nazi-leader Martin Bormann is born in Wegeleben, Halberstadt, Germany.
1924 (+) Serial Killer Archibald Hall aka The Monster Butler, is born in Glasgow, Scotland, England.
1933 (-) Raymond Caffrey is shot dead in an ambush by Charles Floyd aka Pretty Boy, at the age of 31 in Kansas City, USA.
1940 (x) 84-year-old Marshall Philippe Pétain orders all Frenchmen to lay down their arms against Nazi-Germany in Paris, France.
1943 (+) Musician Barry Manilow originally Barry Alan Pincus, is born in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
1949 (+) Musician Snakefinger originally Philip Charles Lithman, is born in London, United Kingdom.
1952 (+) Artist John Duncan is born in Los Angeles, California, USA.
1959 (-) Elizabeth Figg aka Ann Philips, is found naked and dead by Jack the Stripper at the age of 21 in London, Thames Banks, United Kingdom.
1959 (-) Frieda Tesmer is strangled and butchered by Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter, at the age of 24 in Rheinhausen, NordRhein-Westfalen, Germany.
1963 (-) Commander of the Auschwitz concentration-camp Richard Baer dies of a heart-attack at the age of 51 in prison, Germany.
1972 (x) 107 Die in train collision in a tunnel near Soissons, France.
1972 (x) 7 burglars are arrested in the Watergate-building, headquarters of the American Democratic Party in Washington, District Columbia, USA.
1975 (x) 40-year-old Serial Killer Fritz Honka is arrested in Hamburg, Zeissstrasse 74, Germany.
After a fire in the apartment below his attic flat, the police found bodyparts of 4 women.
1990 (-) Fashion model and designer Henry Palmira aka Pal, dies of a brain hemorrhage at the age of 44 in New York, New York, USA.
1997 (-) Kidnapper and multiple murderer Eddie Johnson is executed by lethal injection at the age of 44 in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
1999 (-) Double murderer Michael Poland is executed by lethal injection at the age of 59 in State Prison, Florence, Arizona, USA.
1999 (-) Murderer Joseph Faulder is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.

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