Tuesday, September 18, 2012

18 September 1970 - Jimi Johnny Allen Hendrix Dies

1765 (+)   254th Pope Gregorius XVI originally Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari aka Mauro, is born in Belluno, Italy.

1868 (-)  Murderer Melvin E. Baughn is executed by hanging in Seneca, Kansas, USA.

1906 (+)   Actress Greta Garbo originally Greta Gustafsson, is born in Stockholm, Sweden.

1906 (-)  Murderer John C. Barnes is executed by hanging at the age of 47 in Oregon, USA.

1931 (-)  Hitler’s niece and supposed secret lover Geli Angela Maria Raubal commits suicide by a shot through the head at the age of 23 in München, Prinzregentenplatz, Germany.
She used Hitler’s personal Walther 7.65 revolver.

1933 (+)   Actor Robert Blake originally Michael Gubitosi, is born in Nutley, New Jersey, USA.

1943 (x)  60-year-old Fascist leader Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini aka Il Duce, calls out th Fascist Republic in Salo, Italy.

1952 (+)   Punk Rocker Dee Dee Ramone originally Douglas Glenn Colvin, is born in Vancouver, Canada.

1953 (-)  Murderess Louisa Merrifield is executed by hanging at the age of 46 in Manchester, Strangeways Prison, United Kingdom.

1961 (-)  Secretary-General of the United Nations Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld dies in a plane crash at the age of 56 in Ndola, Rhodesia.

1965 (x)  Murderer Palle Mogens Sörensen kills 4 cops in Roskilde, Denmark.

1968 (+)   Murderer Charles Daniel Thacker is born in Texas, USA.

1970 (-)  Musician Jimi Johnny Allen Hendrix dies of a drug overdose at the age of 27 in London, United Kingdom.

1974 (-)  Sally Versoi is abducted by Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer, at the age of 18 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
She escaped.

1974 (-)  Emmet Johnson is shot through the head by Paul Knowles aka Lester Daryl Gates aka Daryl Golden aka The Casanova Killer aka Killing Time, in Ely, Nevada, USA.

1975 (x)  38-year-old Serial Killer Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker, is found guilty of robbery, burglary and kidnapping, and sentenced to 30 to 80 years imprisonment in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.

1975 (x)  21-year-old Patty Patricia Campbell Hearst aka The Born-again Terrorist, is arrested in San Francisco, California, USA.

1981 (-)  Malcolm Barlow is strangled by Dennis Nilsen aka Killing For Company, at the age of 24 in London, United Kingdom.

1985 (x)   60 members of the ATA tribe are poisoned by their leader “so they could see better the image of god” in Mindanao, the Fillipines.

1996 (-)  Multiple Murderer Raymond Lee Stewart is executed by lethal injection at the age of 44 in Springfield State Penitentiary, Illinois, USA.

1996 (-)  Murderer Joe Gonzales is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.

2001 (-)  Murderer James Roy Joseph Knox is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.

2002 (-)  Murderer Ron Scott Shamburger is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.

2002 (x)  92-year-old Collaborator and right wing politician Maurice Papon is released from prison in less than three years into his ten years term in Paris, Prison de la Santé, France.

2004 (-)  Filmmaker Russel Albion Meyer aka King of the Nudies, dies of pneumonia at the age of 82 in Hollywood Hills, California, USA.

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