1800 (+) Philosopher, poet and murderer Pierre François Lacenaire is born in Francheville, Rhône, France.
1876 (-) Murderess Hannah Ocuish aka Omish, is executed by hanging at the age of 12 in New London, Connecticut, USA.
She is the youngest person ever hanged in the USA.
1901 (+) Victim of Fritz Haarmann, Der Hannover Werwolf, Hermann Bock is born in Hannover, Germany.
1911 (-) Murderer Wade Hood is executed by Old Sparky at the age of 44 in South Carolina, USA.
1920 (-) Eventual Serial Killer Joseph Mumfry is shot dead by Mrs Mike Pepitone in Los Angeles, California, USA.
He was recognised as being the Axe Man of New Orleans by Mrs Pepitone, wife of one of his victims.
1924 (-) Serial Killer Carl Denke commits suicide by hanging in his prison cell at the age of 54 in Münsterberg, Silesia, Germany.
He was arrested after attacking Vincenz Oliver with a hackblade during dinner. When police searched his house, they found drums with salted meat and written notes about 20 years of murder and cannibalism.
1924 (x) 35-year-old Führer of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler is released from prison after serving 9 months for his attempt at a coup d’état a year earlier in Berlin, Landsberg Prison, Germany.
While in prison, he wrote "Mein Kampf".
1927 (x) 33-year-old Nazi leader Rudolf Walter Richard Hess marries 27-year-old Ilse Pröhl in Berlin, Germany.
1941 (x) Belgium declares war to Italy.
1946 (+) Psychic Uri György Geller is born in Tel Aviv, Israël.
1948 (+) Musician Alan Parsons is born in London, United Kingdom.
1958 (-) Mary Hattam is assaulted and battered to death by Rupert Stuart aka The Murderous Aboriginal, at the age of 9 in Ceduna, Australia.
1960 (x) 49-year-old Last Commander of the Auschwitz concentration-camp Richard Baer is arrested in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
1963 (x) Start of the trial against 21 guards and doctors of Auschwitz-KZ in Frankfurt, Germany.
1968 (-) Writer John Ernst Steinbeck dies of heart disease and congestive heart failure at the age of 66 in New York, New York, USA.
1968 (-) David Faraday and 16-year-old Betty Lou Jensen are shot dead as second and third victim by Zodiac at the age of 17 in Vallejo, California, USA.
1969 (x) Serial Killer Zodiac sends a ‘Happy Christmas’ postcard to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper and adds a scrap of eight victim Paul Stine’s bloody shirt in California, USA.
1973 (-) Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco is killed in an ETA bomb-attack in Spain.
1973 (-) Musician Bobby Darin originally Walden Robert Cassotto, dies minutes after initially succesful heart surgery to repair two artificial heart valves at the age of 37 in Los Angeles, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, California, USA.
1974 (-) Composer André Jolivet dies at the age of 69 in Paris, France.
1975 (-) Susan Bickrest is beaten and strangled by Gerald Stano originally Paul Zeininger aka Blind Fury, in Port Orange, Spruce Creek, Florida, USA.
1976 (x) 41-year-old Serial Killer Fritz Honka is convicted to 15 years imprisonment and sent to a mental asylum for life in Hamburg, Germany.
1979 (x) 20-year-old Performance artist Danny Devos aka DDV, performs "Perfectone" in Gent, Zaal Cercle, East Flanders, Belgium.
1981 (-) Beatrix Scheble is stabbed to death by Michael Wolpert aka The Strong Sex Drive, at the age of 16 in Frankfurt City Park, Germany.
1982 (-) Composer Arthur Rubinstein dies at the age of 95 in Genève, Switzerland.
1982 (-) Steven Agan is beaten and stabbed to death by Larry Eyler aka The Leather-Boy Killer, at the age of 23 in Newport, Indiana, USA.
1983 (-) Hedda Buekow is strangled by Waldemar Stepinski aka The Doorbell Killer, at the age of 83 in Berlin, Tiergarten, Germany.
1985 (-) Estelle Donjoux is tortured and killed as ninth by Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune, at the age of 91 in Paris 14th, 14 rue Lacaze, France.
1987 (x) Over 2500 Die in Dona Paz Ferry shipwreck in Tablas Strait, Philippines.
1993 (x) Serial Killer Colin Ireland aka The Gay Killer, is sentenced to 5 terms of life-imprisonment in London, United Kingdom.
1995 (x) 160 Die in American Airlines Flight 965 Boeing 757-223 crash into a mountain in Buga, Colombia.
Four people survived.
1996 (-) Futurologist Carl Edward Sagan dies of pneumonia at the age of 62 in Seattle, Washington, USA.
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