1520 (x) 37-year-old Reformer Martin Luther burns his copy of the Papal Bull "Exsurge Domine" in Wittenberg, Elster Gate, Germany.
1541 (x) Thomas Culpeper and Francis Dereham are hung, cut down while still alive, disemboweled, beheaded and quartered for having sexual relations with Fifth wife of Henry VIII Katherine Howard aka The Rose without a Thorn, in London, Tyburn Tree, United Kingdom.
Their heads were put on display on London Bridge.
1865 (-) King of Belgium Leopold I originally Leopold George Christian Frederick of Saksen-Coburg-Saalfeld, dies at the age of 75 in Brussels, Laken, Brabant, Belgium.
1868 (x) The first traffic lights are installed outside the House of Parliament in London, United Kingdom.
1896 (-) Inventor of dynamite Alfred Bernhard Nobel aka The Merchant of Death, dies of a stroke at the age of 63 in Sanremo, Italy.
1900 (-) Mass murderer John Filip Nordlund aka Mälarmördaren aka Mordlund aka Svarte Filip, is executed by beheading at the age of 25 in Västerås, Sweden.
1908 (+) Composer Olivier Eugène Prosper Charles Messiaen is born in Avignon, Vaucluse, France.
1915 (-) Murderer Ramon Villalobo is executed by hanging at the age of 29 in State Prison, Florence, Arizona, USA.
1920 (-) Automobile manufacturing pioneer Horace Elgin Dodge dies of pneumonia at the age of 52 in New York, Ritz-Carlton hotel, New York, USA.
1931 (-) Murderer Henry Daniel Seymour is executed by hanging in Oxford, United Kingdom.
1944 (x) The 18th Army Headquarters announces that it is allowed to eat the meat from dead enemy soldiers in Japan.
1945 (-) Actress and stunt-woman Mary Wiggins commits suicide by a shot through the head at the age of 36 in North Hollywood, California, USA.
1945 (-) Frances Brown is battered, shot and stabbed to death by William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More, at the age of 30 in Chicago, Pine Grove Avenue, Pine Crest Residential Hotel, Illinois, USA.
On the bedroom wall he wrote in lipstick: “For heaven’s sake catch me before I kill more I cannot control myself”.
1958 (-) Cult Leader Krishna Venta and 9 members of the Fountain of the World are blown up in their subterranean chambers in Chatsworth, California, USA.
The blast was presumably instigated by two former members of the cult.
1967 (-) Musician Otis Redding known for “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay”, dies in an air-plane crash at the age of 26 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
1969 (-) Leona Roberts is presumably abducted and killed as tenth victim by Zodiac at the age of 16 in Bolinas Lagoon, California, USA.
1974 (-) P. J. is assaulted by Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker, in Baltimore, Homeland, Maryland, USA.
His son Mike accompanied him.
1978 (-) Filmmaker Edward D. Davis Wood Jr. dies of a heart attack at the age of 54 in North Hollywood, California, USA.
1979 (-) Dorothy Williams is beaten and stabbed by Gerald Stano originally Paul Zeininger aka Blind Fury, at the age of 17 in Tampa, Florida, USA.
1980 (x) 33-year-old Serial Killer Metod Torinus aka The Vampire Killer, is found guilty of the rape and murder of 5 young girls in Yugoslavia.
He burned their bodies in his bread-oven.
1986 (-) Actress Harriet Roman is beaten to death by her 22-year-old dwarf son in Encino, California, USA.
1992 (-) Murderer Kavin Lincecum is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
1994 (x) Advertising executive Thomas Mosser is killed when opening a package sent by 52-year-old Theodore Ted Kaczinski aka The UnaBomber, in North Caldwell, New Jersey, USA.
1994 (-) Agnès Nijkamp is raped and stabbed to death by Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille, in Paris, France.
1997 (-) Serial Killer Michael Lee Lockhart is executed by lethal injection at the age of 37 in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
2002 (-) Murderer Desmond Keith Carter is executed by lethal injection at the age of 35 in Raleigh State Prison, North Carolina, USA.
2006 (-) Military president and dictator Augusto Pinochet dies of congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema after suffering a heart attack a week earlier at the age of 91 in Santiago, Chile.
There were still over 300 criminal charges for abuse of human rights pending.
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