1594 (-) Artist Tintoretto originally Jacopo Comin aka Il Furioso, dies of fever at the age of 75 in Venice, Italy.
1809 (-) Composer Franz Josef Haydn dies at the age of 77 in Vienna, Austria.
1819 (+) Poet and humanist Walt Walter Whitman aka the Father of Free Verse, is born in West Hills, Town of Huntington, Long Island, New York, USA.
1857 (+) 260th Pope Pius XI originally Achille Ratti, is born in Desio, Italy.
1878 (-) Murderess Eugenie Marie Chantrelle is executed by hanging at the age of 54 in the United Kingdom.
1922 (-) Murderer Major Herbert Rowse Armstrong is executed by hanging at the age of 53 in Gloucester Prison, United Kingdom.
1928 (-) Murderer Frederick Guy Browne is executed by hanging in London, Pentonville Prison, United Kingdom.
1928 (-) Murderer William Henry Kennedy is executed by hanging in London, Pentonville Prison, United Kingdom.
1930 (+) Actor and filmmaker Clint Clinton Eastwood is born in San Francisco, California, USA.
1945 (+) Filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder is born in Bad-Wörishofen, Bavaria, Germany.
1945 (x) Nazi-Germany capitulates in WWII.
1953 (-) Futurist artist Wladimir Jewgrafowitsch Tatlin dies at the age of 67 in Moscow, Russia.
1960 (-) Writer Willem Elsschot originally Alfons-Jozef De Ridder, dies of skin cancer at the age of 78 in Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium.
1962 (-) Nazi-leader Adolf Eichmann is executed by hanging at the age of 56 in Jerusalem, Ramleh Prison, Israël.
1965 (+) Actress Brooke Shields is born in New York, New York, USA.
1965 (x) 37-year-old Founder of the Nation of Gods and Earths Clarence 13X originally Clarence Smith aka The Father, is arrested and charged with assault and battery, conspiracy, disorderly conduct, marijuana possession, resisting arrest, and unlawful assembly in New York City, New York, USA.
1967 (-) Jan Douse aka Cra Cupido, is beaten and stabbed to death by Hans Van Zon at the age of 80 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
1968 (x) 11-year-old Serial Killer Mary Flora Bell aka Child of Hell, and Norma Bell break into the local nursery, leaving notes referring to the murder of 4-year-old Martin Brown in Newcastle, Scotland, United Kingdom.
1972 (x) In a taped speech, 37-year-old Founding member of the Rote Armee Fraktion Ulrike Marie Meinhof calls up students to take up arms and fight the system in Frankfurt-am-Main, Hörsaal 6 der Universität, Germany.
1984 (x) 30-year-old Mass-Murderer Linwood Earl Briley leads the escape of 6 convicted killers from the Mecklenberg Correctional Centre in Boydton, USA.
They are all arrested about 3 weeks later.
1990 (-) Joseph Proce is killed by N.Y. Zodiac Murderer at the age of 78 in New York, Queens, New York, USA.
1991 (-) Writer Angus Frank Johnstone Wilson dies of a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 77 in the United Kingdom.
1996 (-) Spiritual theorist Timothy Francis Leary dies of prostate cancer at the age of 75 in Los Angeles, California, USA.
2000 (-) Multiple Murderer Robert Earl Carter is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.