The full moon over Antwerpen.
966 (-) Pope Benedictus V dies in Rome, Italy.
He was disposed by the Roman Emperor Otto and served only 33 days in 964.
1826 (-) 2nd president of the USA John Adams dies at the age of 90 in Quincy, Massachussets, USA.
1826 (-) 3rd president of the USA Thomas Jefferson dies at the age of 83 in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.
1831 (-) 4th president of the USA James Monroe dies of heart failure at the age of 73 in New York, New York, USA.
1848 (-) Writer and diplomat François-René de Chateaubriand aka The Father of Romanticism, dies at the age of 79 in Paris, France.
1872 (+) 30th president of the USA Calvin Coolidge is born in Plymouth, Vermont, USA.
1878 (x) 18-year-old America’s first Serial Killer Herman Webster Mudgett aka The Torture Doctor, marries Clara A. Lovering in Alton, New Hampshire, USA.
1902 (+) Gangster Meyer Lansky originally Majer Suchowlinski, is born in Grodno, Russia.
1910 (x) 32-year-old First Black Boxing Heavyweight Champion of the World Jack Johnson aka ‘Li’l Artha aka The Galveston Giant, wins from white Jim Jeffries in the World Championship in Reno, Nevada, USA.
His victory caused huge race-riots all over the country.
1928 (+) Actress Gina Lollobrigida is born in Subiaco, Italy.
1934 (-) Physicist and radiochemist Marie Curie originally Marya Sklodovska, dies of pernicous anemia at the age of 66 in Haute Savoye, France.
1943 (+) TV-host Geraldo Rivera is born in New York, New York, USA.
1954 (x) 31-year-old Murderer Sam Sheppard bludgeons his pregnant wife Marilyn to death, claiming they were attacked by persons unknown in their house in Bay Village, Lake Erie, Ohio, USA.
1963 (-) Murderer Melvin Weaver is shot dead by the police in a gunfight in Americus, Georgia, USA.
He escaped from Marianna Prison in Florida and killed 3 people on the way.
1970 (-) Artist Barnett Newman dies of a heart-attack at the age of 65 in New York, New York, USA.
1970 (x) 112 Die in Comet jet crash in Barcelona, Spain.
1975 (-) Nancy Baird is abducted and killed by Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness, in Bountiful, Colorado, USA.
1982 (-) Cop Killer Barry Prudom commits suicide by a shot through the head at the age of 38 in Malton, United Kingdom.
He was closed in by the police.
1987 (x) Over 400 Die in ferry capsizing in Luapala River, Zaïre.
1987 (x) 73-year-old Nazi leader Klaus Barbie aka The Butcher of Lyon, is sentenced to life imprisonment in Lyon, France.
1992 (-) Composer Astor Piazzolla aka El Gran, dies at the age of 71 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2003 (-) Musician Barry White originally Barrence Eugene Carter aka The Walrus of Love, dies of renal failure at the age of 58 in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Dag Danny,
Jahsonic hier, ik ben met iets gelijkaardigs begonnen.
fijn. er komen enkel wikipedia-dingen in? mijn informatie heb ik over de jaren quasi allemaal handmatig uit boeken, tijdschriften en kranten. ik gebruik wikipedia soms wel om aan te vullen of te verifiëren.
Nee, zo is het niet echt, ik begin vanaf mijn bestand bij Jahsonic.com en ik vul aan met Wikipedia, nu ik artandpopularculture begonnen ben merk ik dat er wel redelijk wat moord en doodslag bij betrokken is. Maar wil ook aandacht geven aan film en album release dates, alsook data van belangwekkende exposities etc...
hm, moet ik misschien eens nader bekijken bij gelegenheid. de pagina's updaten dus min of meer vanzelf als je iets aanpast? ik kom natuurlijk af en toe fouten tegen, maar ben niet van plan telkens die blog-pagina's te gaan aanpassen. ik zou eigenlijk alles van filemaker in euh, 'iets' moeten krijgen....
zaterdag overigens weer art and popular culture met een vleugje moord & doodslag bij air, de marc ruyters big band speelt "sympathy for the devil".
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