Director of the Museum of Modern Art Artetage, Alexander Gorodny, wearing an artwork helmet at Arka Gallery in Vladivostok.
1689 (-) Queen of Sweden Christina dies of a lung-bleeding at the age of 63 in Stockholm, Sweden.
1878 (-) Murderer Samu Steenburgh is executed by hanging at the age of 44 in New York, USA.
1882 (-) Poet George Gordon aka Lord Byron, dies of malaria at the age of 36 in Italy.
He caught the disease during the battle of Missolonghi.
1882 (-) Naturalist Charles Darwin dies of a heart-attack at the age of 73 in Down House, Kent, United Kingdom.
1903 (+) FBI-agent Elliot Ness aka The Untouchable, is born in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
1906 (-) Physicist Pierre Curie dies at the age of 67 in Paris, France.
1928 (-) Murderer Charles Birger is executed by hanging at the age of 44 in Illinois, USA.
1933 (+) Actress Jayne Mansfield originally Vera Jane Palmer, is born in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA.
1942 (+) Artist Bas Ader is born in Winschoten, the Netherlands.
1949 (+) Actress and fashion designer Paloma Picasso is born in Valleuris, France.
1963 (x) Serial Killer Ted Paisnel aka The Beast of Jersey, assaults an unidentified 9-year-old boy in St. Saviour, Jersey.
1967 (-) First Chancellor of the German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer dies of pneumonia at the age of 91 in Rhondorf, Germany.
1970 (-) Designer Robert Salem is mutilated and decapitated by an unidentified Zodiac copycat-killer at the age of 40 in San Francisco, 754 Stevenson St., California, USA.
1977 (x) Serial Killer David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam, mails a second threatening letter to his neighbour Sam Carr to shut up his dog Harvey in New York, Yonkers, New York, USA.
1989 (-) Writer Daphne Du Maurier dies at the age of 82 in Cornwall, United Kingdom.
1993 (x) Over 80 members of the Branch-Davidians sect, including their 33-year-old Religious Leader David Koresh die in a suicide-pact by poisoning and gunfire after their farm has been besieged by the FBI for 51 days in Waco, Texas, USA.
1995 (x) 162 die in a bomb-attack on the Murrah Government-building by 27-year-old Patriot Movement member Timothy McVeigh aka The Oklahoma Bomber, as an eventual revenge for the massacre in Waco, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
2000 (-) Rapist and murderer Robert Coe is executed by lethal injection at the age of 44 in West Virginia, USA.
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