A picture in a Russian newspaper. Watch that man, he looks like a jerk but he could eat you with a fork and spoon.
(if you know what/who this man is, please comment)
1630 (-) Composer Ercole Porta dies at the age of 44 in Italy.
1844 (x) 26-year-old Writer and pacifist Henry Thoreau accidently set a fire that burned over a hundred acres in Fair Haven Pond, Massachussets, USA.
1870 (+) Composer Franz Lehar is born in Komorn, Austria.
1883 (-) Artist Eduard Manet dies at the age of 51 in Paris, France.
1912 (-) Murderer J. Morris is executed by the Firing Squad at the age of 44 in Utah, USA.
1930 (-) Charlotte Ulrich is attacked by Peter Kürten aka The Düsseldorfer Monster, in Düsseldorf, Grafenberger Wald, NordRhein-Westfalen, Germany.
She survived.
1945 (-) Führer of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler commits suicide by poison and a shot through the head at the age of 56 in Berlin, FührerBunker, Germany.
His 35-year-old lover Eva Braun follows him in death.
1945 (x) The concentration camp of Ravensbruck is liberated by Russian Armed Forces in Germany.
1946 (x) Serial Killer William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More, is arrested for carrying a gun, but is released in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
1966 (x) Founder of the Satanic Church Anton Szandor LaVey originally Howard Stanton Levey, announces the establishment of the one and only Church of Satan in San Francisco, California, USA.
1978 (x) Serial Killer Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker, goes hungerstriking to secure medical treatment in Huntingdon State Correctional Institute, Pennsylvania, USA.
1979 (-) Ellen Abel is killed by Bernd Bopp aka The Hammer Murderer, at the age of 16 in Schriesheim, Germany.
1983 (-) Marie Malvar is strangled by The Green River Killer at the age of 18 in Seattle, Washington, USA.
1984 (-) Musician Muddy Waters dies at the age of 69.
1987 (x) Serial Killer Arthur Shawcross aka The Monster of the Rivers, is paroled and released from Stormville Prison after serving 14 of a 25-year sentence for child-murder in New York, New York, USA.
1999 (x) 17-year-old Mass Murderer Christopher Churchill is sentenced to life imprisonment in Olney, Illinois, USA.
In February 1998 he killed his half-brother, Jonathan Lloyd, along with Lloyd's 35-year-old girlfriend and her three young children at their rural Richland County home, only using a hammer.
2002 (-) Murderer Rodolpho Hernandez is executed by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.